
Why does my vagina smell like poop?

Why does my vagina smell like poop

If you’re wondering why does my vagina smell like poop, know that the answer varies from person to person. In addition to fluctuating throughout pregnancy and menopause, a woman’s period might affect her sense of smell. On the other hand, if the stench is really pungent and reminiscent of excrement, it could indicate a more serious problem.

Why does my vagina smell like poop?

Vaginal discharge that smells like feces may be the result of improper hygiene. Mild soap and water should be used to clean the external genital area on a regular basis. Harsh soaps or douching should be avoided, as they might upset the delicate vaginal bacterial balance. To avoid transferring bacteria from the anus to the vagina, it’s best to wipe from front to back after using the restroom.

Bacterial vaginosis is another possible source of a vaginal fecal odor (BV). When the vagina’s normal bacterial flora is disturbed by an excess of dangerous bacteria, a condition known as bacterial vaginosis (BV) can develop. The resulting odor may be fishy, or it may be so strong that it reminds one of feces. Vaginal irritation, urinary burning, and a thin gray or white discharge are other signs of BV.

Changes in vaginal odor may potentially be a symptom of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). For instance, trichomoniasis, a prevalent STI, is associated with a potent fishy odor, while chlamydia and gonorrhea may create a similar stench in addition to discharge and pelvic pain. If you have more than one sexual partner or engage in unsanitized intercourse, getting regular STI testing is essential.

A fistula may be present if the vagina has a feculent odor. When two organs or tissues, like the vagina and the rectum, become abnormally connected, this is called a fistula. Because of this, feces may enter the vagina and produce an unpleasant odor. Pain during urination or bowel motions is another sign of a fistula, as is involuntary leakage of urine.

You should see a doctor if you smell like feces in your vagina so that the problem can be properly diagnosed and treated. Bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics, STIs with medication, and fistulas with surgery.

There are things you can do to keep your vagina healthy and prevent fecal odor, in addition to seeing a doctor. Among these are:

  1. Putting on underwear made of cotton or other natural materials that allows air to circulate
  2. Ignoring underwear and clothing that are too snug
  3. Prevention of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) by condom use
  4. Consuming a diet rich in fresh produce is a great way to improve your health.
  5. Hydration is maintained by drinking large quantities of water.
  6. Keeping away from cigarettes and booze
  7. Increasing one’s fitness and well-being through frequent exercise.


In conclusion, there are a number of potential causes of a feces-like stench coming from the vagina, such as poor hygiene, bacterial infections, STIs, and fistulas. Seeing a doctor can help figure out what’s wrong and get you on the road to recovery. Problems with vaginal odor can be prevented and treated by practicing good vaginal hygiene and getting regular checkups. Please keep in mind that there is absolutely no shame in needing medical attention or asking for assistance. Thanks for visiting Minedit.

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