Crossword Clue

Severus Snape’s House Crossword Clue

Severus Snape's House Crossword

Below you can find 2 possible solutions to the Severus Snape’s House Crossword in case it comes up when you’re doing a crossword puzzle.

Clue Letters Solution
Severus Snape’s house  9 Slytherin
Wooden house  5 Cabin



In the Harry Potter franchise, whenever one refers to someone’s house, it’s oftentimes refering to the Hogwarts house students get sorted in whenever they first attend the school. All students must be signed to a house. All available houses are Slytherin, which is the solution to the abovementioned clue, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

In the case of our dear professor snape, when he first attended Hogwarts, he was sorted in the Slytherin house, hence when the question arises of what house did Severs Snape belong to, the answer is Hogwarts,

How many letters does Slytherin have?

Slytherin is a 9-letter word. Making it one of the longest average words in crossword puzzles, it is also one of the easiest ones since the story of Harry Potter, Hogwarts, and Slytherin is so widely popular.

How should you solve crosswords like the Severus Snape’s House Crossword?

While it’s convenient to have access to crossword clue solutions like Minedit‘s, it’s often recommended that you try to solve the puzzles without looking for guides. One of the best approaches and techniques to solving crossword puzzles is by starting by solving the most straightforward words first. This often paves the path to solving more difficult crossword clues further on in the game.

Conclusion on the Severus Snape’s House Crossword Clue.

This is one of those crossword clues that you should’ve guessed correctly since again, the story of Harry Potter is such a famous one. Considering that most crossword puzzles will include daily and contemporary topics, you might run into more Harry Potter questions later on in your crossword-solving career. It is there for recommended you watch all of the movies, so you can educate yourself on all Harry Potter trivia, and therefore can have an easier time answering HP-related questions.

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