how to fly a helicopter in gta 5 pc

In GTA 5 on PC, you can control your movement with the arrow keys and fire with the left mouse button.

how to get a cop car in gta 5 online

In GTA 5 online, you can either steal a cop car from the police station or call for one using the in-game phone.

how to get a plane in gta 5 online

In GTA 5 online, you can either purchase a jet from the game’s fictional “Elitas Travel” website or try to smuggle one out of the airport.

where are the money trucks in gta 5

In GTA 5, money trucks can be found anywhere in the game world, however they tend to spawn more frequently in certain places, such as close to banks…

how to dance gta 5

In GTA 5, while near a dance floor, press and hold the character switch button to dance.

how to change gta 5 online character gender

You must create a new character with the desired gender and transfer your progress to that character in order to alter the gender of your GTA 5 online…

what heist pays the most in gta 5 online 2022

In GTA 5 online in 2022, the Cayo Perico theft offers the highest reward.

how to save cars in gta 5

In GTA 5, players must buy a garage or safehouse and park the automobile inside to save it.

how to enter director mode in gta 5

In GTA 5, hold down the touchpad on your controller or press the “M” key on your keyboard to bring up the interaction menu. From there, select “Rockstar…

how to make money on gta 5 story mode

In GTA 5’s story mode, players can perform quests, take part in heists, or make stock market investments to earn money.

when is the gta 5 halloween update 2021

The GTA 5 Halloween update will not be released until 2021, according to the current information.

how to get gta 5 on android

Officially, GTA 5 cannot be downloaded for Android, although there are third-party apps and techniques that promise to do it.