Naima – John Coltrane

Naima Lead Sheet

Looking for the Naima Lead Sheet? You’ve found it!

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When we think go the song Naima, we realize that the Naima Lead Sheet is a one of a kind chart written by Bill Evans.

The harmony and melody are unique and don’t sound similar to any other jazz or bebop tune.

John Coltrane was a true pioneer in the sense of composition, harmonic structure, songwriting and especially piano performing.

If you like this chart, we would live it if you would leave a comment in the comment section below. We’d also greatly appreciate it if you would be able to share a rating in the rating system. This will allow us to properly monitor the feedback visitors are giving our lead sheets we share and what the user experience of the site is like.

We realize the quality of the charts may not be on point due to a render issue, or the user experience may be lacking due to bad connectivity or a bag.

These comments and ratings will give us the proper feedback from you, the user directly and will help us make immediate changes to better the visitor experience on our site, Minedit.

Also, if you are a performing and or professional jazz musician, we’d love to hear from you as we’re trying to hear more feedback from experience performers and learn more about the experience of performing jazz music in front of a live audience.

How does it work? Soloing? Playing the head, comping, voicings, and choices that are being made in a small band setting? We’d love to hear more about it, so if you are a professional playing musician, let us know!

The Minedit Team

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