How To Make A Gamepass On Roblox?

How To Make A Gamepass On Roblox?

Creating a Roblox game pass is an excellent method to monetize your game and provide users with additional content or rewards. If you’re wondering how to make a gamepass on Roblox, do not fear. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how to make a Roblox game pass.

Step 1: Make a Roblox game.

You must must have a Roblox game before you can generate a game pass. You can create a game if you haven’t previously by heading to the Roblox website and clicking on the “Develop” button. From there, you can either build a new game using one of the given templates or start from scratch.

Step 2: Navigate to the Game Passes section.

Once you’ve created a game, you may begin creating game passes. To do so, go to the “Develop” part of the Roblox website and select the “Game Passes” tab.

Step 3: Make a fresh game pass.

To make a new game pass, click the “Create” button. You will be asked to name, describe, and price your game pass. The name and description should appropriately reflect the content or perks provided by the game pass. The cost will be expressed in Robux, the virtual money used on Roblox.

Step 4: Include assets in the game pass.

When you’re getting further into the process of how to make a gamepass on Roblox, you can begin adding assets to the game pass after it has been created. These assets could be new in-game goods, skills, or any other stuff you want to give to game pass purchasers. Simply drag and drop assets into the designated space on the game pass creation page to add them.

Step 5: Put the gaming pass to the test.

Before you can publish the game pass, you must test it to ensure that it functions properly. You will need a test version of your game to test the game pass. By navigating to the “Versions” tab in the “Develop” area of the Roblox website, you can create a test version.

Step 6: Make the game pass available for purchase.

You can publish the game pass once you’ve tested it and determined that it works as expected. Simply click the “Publish” button on the game pass creation page to do so. Keep in mind that after the game pass is published, it will be available for purchase in the Roblox Marketplace.

Step 7: Market the game pass.

After posting the game pass, it is critical to promote it so that gamers are aware of its availability. This can be accomplished by distributing the game pass on social media, in game forums, or by creating a YouTube video showcasing the game pass.

Step 8: Keep an eye on the gaming pass.

It is critical to monitor the performance of the game pass after it has been published. Keep track of the number of purchases as well as the revenue generated. If the game pass isn’t performing as well as you intended, think about lowering the price or adding more content or bonuses.


Finally, building a Roblox game pass is an excellent method to monetize your game and provide users with more material or advantages. I hope this explained to you how to make a gamepass on roblox. You can design a game pass, add assets to it, test it, publish it, and advertise it to gamers by following these steps. Keep in mind that building a game pass is a continuous process that must be monitored and adjusted as needed. Thanks for checking out this guide!