Corcovado Lead Sheet

Corcovado Lead Sheet

If you like the song Corcovado, you’ll definitely appreciate having easy access to this Corcovado Lead Sheet.

The song is originally written by Antonio Jobim and means Hunchback in english.

Corcovado is one of those songs that seems not so famous, but that people actually play quite often. More than you think.

Corcovado is a great latin music song, so if you like to play latin and bossa nova, this is definitely a song for you.

I remember when I was attending Berklee College of Music, almost every latin and bossa nova small jazz band would pull this song up and play it.

If you need some other examples of great latin and boss anova songs, you can use the search box in our menu bar above to type in and search for any name of any latin or bossa nova song.

We are still in the process of growing and improving the user experience. There is a need to label all jazz standards that are latin and bossa nova songs with those terms.

There may be some songs labeled already by the time you read this, feel free to search for it!

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The Minedit Team!

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